Capabilities and Services

Government Relations & Legislative Advocacy

PolicyLogic, LLC provides government relations and direct lobbying services for clients seeking strategic representation before the Arizona Legislature and various state and local agencies.

We understand government, legislative and regulatory processes and have experience in assisting clients in the resolution of issues arising from the complex relationships which emerge in government.

We develop, manage and implement comprehensive political and legislative strategies, enabling our clients to overcome public policy, legislative and regulatory challenges.

We remain politically active in order to maintain relationships with various governmental entities. Also, in order to assure that we can serve as effective advocates for all clients, we foster and actively support diverse relationships that are not dependent on any particular political affiliation.

Representations typically include, but are not limited to, matters related to local government, special district fiscal and governance issues, public safety and health concerns, emergency medical services and ongoing general legislative consulting.
Services offered by PolicyLogic, LLC include:

  • Strategic Advocacy Planning
  • Legislative & Regulatory Monitoring
  • Relationship Building and Education
  • Drafting and Reviewing Legislation
  • Developing Position Papers
  • Policy Analysis & Monitoring
  • Revenue Maximization
  • Confidential and Customized Research Projects

Consulting Services

PolicyLogic, LLC provides specialized consulting services to Arizona fire districts, ambulance services and associated public safety based clients. With over thirty years of experience in the in the Arizona fire service, PolicyLogic, LLC provides substantive results to address the most challenging of issues.

PolicyLogic, LLC consulting projects focus on fire district and ambulance services fiscal and economic matters. Projects typically include but are not limited to fiscal analysis, strategic financial planning, economic impact analysis and fire district administration services. To find out more about the services we provide to Arizona fire districts.